Webinar: Avian Response to Heavy Mineral Surface Mine Reclamation in Southeastern Georgia
7:00 to 8:30 PM
Leaders: Dan Watson, Virginia Tech
Cost: $12
Via Zoom Webinar
Loss of habitat across the southeastern Coastal Plain has contributed to declines in disturbance-dependent birds, such as Bachman’s sparrow (Peucaea aestivalis). This has compelled research in bird habitat created by varying land-use and management practices, such as timber production and prescribed fire. However, reclaimed mining sites following heavy mineral sands surface mining have garnered little attention as potential habitats for disturbance-dependent birds, nor has any study assessed the effects of this type of mine reclamation on birds within the region. Our study uses bioacoustic methods to explore possible differences in bird diversity across various site treatments (mine reclamation vs. timber production vs. prescribed burning) in upland pine habitats in southeastern Georgia.